
3 Factors That Can Cause Nitric Oxide to Decline

As you move about your day-to-day, you probably aren’t thinking about your Nitric Oxide (N-O) levels, but you should be. Nitric Oxide (a.k.a. the “miracle molecule”) works as a signaling molecule, telling your blood vessels to relax and dilate. These dilated arteries allow for efficient blood flow throughout your body. Ultimately, efficient blood flow supports heart health, circulation and healthy blood pressure levels already in the normal range. But there are a few factors that can cause your Nitric Oxide levels to decline:


By the time we reach 40, studies have shown that we only produce about half or less of the Nitric Oxide we did at age 20. And it continues to decline as we age. There’s also a difference when it comes to gender: by 40, men produce about 50% of the N-O they did in their teens and twenties. And women only produce about 35% of what they did in their twenties at age 50.


Nitrates are converted into Nitric Oxide in the human body by oral nitrate-reducing bacteria. If we don’t consume enough high nitrate vegetables, then we can become N-O deficient and our N-O levels begin to fall. Additionally, people who use antiseptic mouthwash can destroy all the good bacteria in the mouth that are responsible for reducing dietary nitrate into nitrite and Nitric Oxide. As a result, even though these individuals may eat sufficient amounts of high nitrate vegetables, they may become N-O deficient because they don’t have the right bacteria necessary for metabolizing dietary nitrate.


When we don’t exercise, we lose that important signal that tells our body to make more N-O. The enzyme that makes N-O in response to exercise becomes dysfunctional. This usually leads to N-O insufficiency. Just as in the aging process, the problem is the inability to utilize L-arginine to make Nitric Oxide.

It’s not too late to begin managing your N-O levels. Check out Neo40, which supports healthy blood pressure levels already in the normal range, supports healthy circulation, and supports increased Nitric Oxide levels in the body.

Neo40 from HumanN