Amelia Boone is not only a four-time Obstacle Racing World Champion and UltraRunner, she’s also an attorney! She’s the epitome of a “girl boss,” and an all-around incredible human. Here’s what Amelia had to say about her health and wellness journey.
Q: At what age did you start getting serious about health and wellness?
A: I’ve been an active person from a very young age: sports and movement were just part of my life. I played sports for fun, and I was very active and athletic. But I didn’t start competing as an athlete until after I had graduated from law school in my mid to late 20s. Since then, health has been at the forefront of my mind.
Q: What is one thing you wish you knew about women’s health when you were younger?
A: I wish that I had focused on functional fitness and health earlier. It’s not all about appearance and body size. As a culture, we are inundated with messages that, especially as women, we need to shrink ourselves to fit an ideal created by the media. What I didn’t realize when I was younger was that trying to fit that image can actually be very harmful to our overall health as women.

Q: What does health mean to you?
A: Health means being able to have adventures on a daily basis and being a well-rounded athlete. It means honoring and nourishing my body and valuing function over form.

Q: What areas of your health are you focusing on right now?
A: I’m very focused on making sure that I’m strong and durable to be able to continue my athletic career for many years to come. I’ve been open about my past struggles with an eating disorder, so nourishing my body properly so I can be able to race and compete like I love to do is my number one priority.