239 Results
Who is HumanN?

At HumanN, we believe exceptional potential exists within all of us and that our health can either propel us forward or hold us back from achieving exponential growth. We create...


TEST ANSWER - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vel lacinia urna, in cursus est. Praesent id purus libero. Morbi varius rhoncus odio id pellentesque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Curabitur tempus, lectus id pretium pulvinar, arcu ipsum malesuada lorem, id volutpat eros nulla eget lectus. Ut suscipit quam velit, vel congue justo placerat at.

What is Neo40 made of?

Neo40 is formulated to boost the efficiency of the body’s nitrate pathway so that more Nitric Oxide is available when and where it’s needed. Each tab contains 420mg of our...

What is HumanN?

HumanN is the new name of the company that makes the popular Neo40, SuperBeets and BeetElite products. Neogenis was our former name.